Large-scale structure (LSS) is a powerful cosmological tool, in particular in combination with weak lensing observations. However, a number of statistical, computational and theoretical challenges will be brought about by the unprecedented depth and data volume of experiments such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). The aim of this workshop is to gather experts in LSS, both within LSST and other collaborations, to achieve a unified picture of the methods and strategies at our disposal to address these problems, as well as to highlight the role of LSS within next-generation surveys as an essential cosmological probe.
The meeting will take place on April 18-20 2018, and will be structured across 5 topics related to the main challenges faced by LSS in the next decade: sky systematics, analysis systematics, statistical methods, computational challenges and modeling uncertainties. We hope to bring together experts on each of these topics to facilitate the discussion of different analysis strategies able to face these challenges.